Home Brands A Alpinestars Motorcycle Boots Racing Alpinestars Magnesium Boot Slider Ratings

Customer ratings for Alpinestars Magnesium Boot Slider

Alpinestars Magnesium Boot Slider
  • £21.52
    You save 5 %
    • Alpinestars Magnesium toe slider is designed give a good contact feel with the tarmac
    • Does not produce sparks when in contact with the road surface
    • Magnesium offers good durability

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 7
Average rating: 5
3 Deutsch all
sehr gut, gute Qualität
sehr Gut
Passt perfekt top Produkt
Wie erwartet --> sehr gut
really good
Excellent toe slider that saves you boot when racing. Really durable also and okay price
Very good
good toe slider