Home Casual Clothing Jackets Carhartt Crawford Women's Bomber Jacket Ratings

Customer ratings for Carhartt Crawford Women's Bomber Jacket

Carhartt Crawford Women's Bomber Jacket

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 4.8
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Taille petit
Ce super blouson taille hélas petit par rapport aux vestes carhartt habituelle.
Great fit, excellent Carhartt quality
This jacket fits so well (m) and the material is soft-feeling but very tough. I'm sure it will last through years of work/wear. Fitted well, with enough give to layer up. Well worth spending a little more as always with this brand.
i love it
a good jacket fits nice and comfy
Gewohnte Carhartt Qualität
Leichte und dennoch stabile Jacke in gewohnter Carhartt Workwear Qualität. Jacke passt TTS und ist gut geschnitten.