Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Full Face Shoei NXR 2 Helmet Ratings

Customer ratings for Shoei NXR 2 Helmet

Shoei NXR 2 Helmet
  • from 479.00 €
    • retention system: double D
    • visor type: CWR-F2 Pinlock ready
    • weight: 1390 g (+/- 50 g)

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Number of ratings: 13
Average rating: 5
1 Deutsch 7 English 1 Italiano 2 Český 2 Русский язык all
Highest regard
This is the second (passenger) NXR 2 helmet I purchased since last fall. Says everything about my opinion regarding quality.
výborná helma
aretace plexiskla by mohla být trochu tužší, aby nepadalo dolů na hrbolatých cestách
Perfect helmet!
Silent for a helmet.
A little difficult to put on due to entrance being a little tight.
Besides that, 10/10.
Very Good
Perfect helmet
This was my first more expensive helmet and it is definitely worth it. It is very comfortable, eliminating a lot of the noise. It doesn’t feel heavy at all as you ride. Plus the extra safe free given the new standard it passed.
Отличный шлем!
Долго выбирал цвет, потому как на картинках все базовые цвета-матовые! На самом деле они глянцевые!
Серый-считаю одним из самых удачных в расцветки этой модели.
По размеру-покупал без примерки, т.к. в России еще нет NXR2. L сидит так же как и NXR с поправкой на толщину нащечников-в NXR2 они гораздо толще и лицо сжимает сильнее.
Есть промежуточное положение визора для вентиляции
Поднимается визор так же удобно, несмотря на утопленную кнопку по центру
First and best.
The shipping was extremely fast! The helmet is lightweight and easy to work on like installing a cardo or sieena* it has great visibility and don’t have as much noise on the road as other helmets do. One of the safest and great all around helmets IMO
sehr gut
da ich einen eher breiteren Schädel habe, war es sehr problematisch, einen bequemen Helm zu finden. Habe wirklich etliche Produkte erfolglos ausprobiert, bis ich den Shoei bekam.
Den kann ich stundenlang tragen ohne Kopfschmerzen oder Druckstellen zu bekommen. Daß das Visier in den unteren Rastungen nicht gut hält, stört mich persönlich überhaupt nicht.
Würde ich sofort wieder kaufen!
If you're looking for a sporty road helmet that is extremely quiet, very comfortable and light wearing, the Shoei NXR 2 should absolutely make your shortlist. A great helmet with amazing performance and a top-level ECE22.06 safety rating.
Идеальный шлем
Размер м сидит идеально. Отличная шумоизоляция, удобная новая застежка визора по центру. Единственное что б хотелось поменять это спортивную застежку на туристическую
Perfect helmet, Great quality for the value
The helmet has a nice shape and it is not that heavy. It has a lot of anti-noise features and we can remove some parts inside. Highly recommended
Il prodotto è complessivamente ok, rispetto agli shoei precedenti è più aderente al viso e chiude molto anche sotto.
Areazione molto buona e migliorata, abbastanza silenzioso per essere un casco sportivo, non è leggerissimo ma ben bilanciato.
La fibbia del doppio anello è un po troppo piccola, le precedenti erano più comode