Casa Motocicleta Botas Ciudad / urbanas Stylmartin Colorado Zapatos de motocicleta perforados Evaluaciones

Evaluaciones de clientes para Stylmartin Colorado Zapatos de motocicleta perforados

Stylmartin Colorado Zapatos de motocicleta perforados
  • £139,80
    Se ahorra 10 %
    • Parte superior: piel de gamuza perforada repelente al agua y piel repelente al agua
    • Forro: microfibra higroscópica transpirable
    • Plantilla anatómica, reemplazable y transpirable gracias a los orificios microperforados

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Número de evaluaciones: 5
Evaluación media: 4,6
2 English 1 Italiano 1 Português 1 Русский язык todas
Качество и удобство на высоте!
Stylish motorcycle shoe
A great, very comfortable shoe that you can use both for motorbike and for walking around in everyday life. It also looks very stylish with its suede leather structure. Those who see it while using a motorcycle ask where I bought it :) Thanks to Fc moto for fast and smooth delivery.
Muito bom
Bota técnica, bem construída e com bons materiais. Esteticamente, não parece uma bota de motociclismo, sendo muito agradável de usar no dia a dia.
Óptima relação, preço/qualidade.
La scarpa é comodissima, avvolge bene il piede e la caviglia, le protezioni sulla caviglia sono belle solide. La suola è bella rigida ma permette di camminare perfettamente. Anche tenute ai piedi per ore senza essere in sella sono molto comode. Buona anche l’areazione, nelle giornate fresche si avverte l’aria circolare nei piedi
Good fit, stylish motorcycle shoe
I've been using these boots/shoes for about a month now. They're reasonably cool on hot days and offer a little bit of water resistance as well. Comfort to walk around in them is very good. The color and style of these shoes goes with a lot of different outfits. I wear these when I ride my bike to work and they kind of fit the casual office atmosphere. I got caught in a bit of a rain shower (about 15 minute of hard rain), and surprisingly these boots kept my feet dry. Although they look like perforated leather, I don't think they are perforated right through. Because they are low cut, they also allow a fair amount of air to flow into them if you ride in a bit of leaned forward position with your feet pointing downward. They make a nice casual motorcycle shoe and they are CE rated. Because they are a low cut shoe, I also don't expect the same protection as my higher cut boots but I'm sure they are better than 99% of your typical non-motorcycle shoes out there. As an added bonus, their stylish and comfortable enough to just wear out, even if you aren't on the bike.