Casa Marques D Dainese Motocicleta Roba interior Dainese D-Core Thermo LL Pantalons Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Dainese D-Core Thermo LL Pantalons

Dainese D-Core Thermo LL Pantalons
  • 64,95 €
    55,20 €
    Us estalvieu 15 %
    • L'ús de clima fred
    • Estructura de premsa per optimitzar la compressió muscular
    • Bacteriostàtica, hipoalergènic i anti-olor

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 6
Avaluació mitjana: 5
3 English 1 Italiano totes
it's good material & design to keep you warm.
function wise, it's pretty good to keep me warm. Some smell of it, but went away after wash. & feel tight with my leather paint, some thickness that you need to consider, but not much.
nice winter gear
light, warm and perfect fit baselayer.
I wore these under jeans pants, they kept me pretty warm to temperatures to 10 degrees Celsius.
Below that temperature some kind of wind stopping pants should be worn above these thermo pants.
I'm 180 cm tall with fairly thin build, bought L size, they fit well.
可能是因为伸缩性太好了 建议买大一号
可能是因为伸缩性太好了 建议买大一号