Casa Marques R Revit Home Roba interior funcional Revit Micro Balaclava Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Revit Micro Balaclava

Revit Micro Balaclava

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 20
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
1 Deutsch 8 English 1 Français 3 Русский язык 1 polski 1 한국의 totes
Jest po prostu przyjemna do ciała
헬멧 M 사이즈 머리 둘레 57정도 되는데
사이즈 딱 좋습니다.
it is very good material.
Simply the best balaclava.
I’ve tried several balaclava‘s but this is the only one I can recommend. Fits like a glove and is made of a comfortable stretchy fabric. I use S but would prefer M however only two sizes available.
Great product.
Worthed every penny, I'm very pleased with this balaclava. Fabrick is very nice, hole size is perfect too.
отличная балаклава
качественный материал ! комфортно использовать!
Very good
Great fit
оценка 10 из 10
качественная ткань приятная на ощупь, специальная ткань для рта ушей, покупкой доволен
Отличное качество
В местах где уши и рот специальный материал легко дышать следующую буду брать только revit
Bonne cagoule pour l'hiver
J'ai testé cette cagoule avec des températures de 1-2 degrés et je peux dire qu'elle permet de garder la tête au chaud durant des voyages sur l'autoroute de 30 min. Elle est confortable. La taille L est un peu grande pour moi. L'élasticité devrait permettre de porter du M à la majorité des gens.
The Best!!!
Better balaclava than I have ever tried
Breathable & good fit
For this price range could be better
Product quality is okay in terms of the material but the inseam in the middle of the forehead is penetrating the skin and creates a horrible pain during 1-2 hour rides. Low quality for the value. Wouldn't buy it again.
Good balaclava. I was looking for normal stretchie balaclava and it match my expectations. Eye hole is perfect fit. I ordered size S like my head is and it’s perfect fit too.
Great Balaclava
great fitting balaclava the opening could be a bit larger but other than that good product
Very good balaclava
It fits to your neck, head and face perfectly.Probably one of the best balaclavas for summer (i.e. mostly dry and not too chill) conditions or even general use.
5 баллов
удобно хорошо дышит
Sehr gut
Die Sturmhaube ist sehr angenehm zu tragen, keine Druckstellen nach längeren Fahrten. Dank der feuchtigkeitsregulierenden Schicht wird der Schweiß gut abgeleitet.
так себе
Очень не хватает перегородки между глаз
Not bad
Good style.