Casa Marques S Spidi Roba tèxtil Pantalons tèxtils Spidi J&K stretch Motocicleta Jeans Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Spidi J&K stretch Motocicleta Jeans

Spidi J&K stretch Motocicleta Jeans

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 4
Avaluació mitjana: 4,5
1 English totes
Very good.
Due to slim style, it looks good and knee pads in case of something will stay on proper place. Really good quality. I bought 31, i’m 182cm/86cm - fits perfect. Wish it would be little bit longer.
great but too narrow
i typically worn 28-29 size jeans, and ordered 29 size.
it is great, but too narrow.
wearing this pants with the included protector, knee pops out too much.
but wearing without protector, it's looks like a normal slim fit jeans.
not skinny, not wide.
if you need a motorcycle jeans "without protector" or not, it is good enough to me
this is nice quality and durable jeans.
this is nice quality and durable jeans.
it's looks like a normal jeans.

but this jeans are too narrow fit compared to the another Spidi pants.
I typically worn Spidi 29 size jeans. (Furious, Six days... etc)
you should order to one size bigger. keep that in mind.