Casa Motocicleta Botes Calçat Acerbis Step Sabates Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Acerbis Step Sabates

Acerbis Step Sabates
  • 109,95 €
    98,00 €
    Us estalvieu 11 %
    • Sola antilliscant
    • Folre interior Soft hipoalergènic
    • Resistent a l'abrasió del petroli i la gasolina

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 4
Avaluació mitjana: 5
1 Deutsch 2 English 1 日本の totes
Good build quality and overall functionality. Great value for money
Overall I’m quite happy with these boots beside the obvious point of the aesthetics I will list some other points below:
-> Fit well the first time I was using them and no need for the break-in period
-> The size number is the same as I use in “normal” shoes
-> The laces are long but the external tape holds them in a safe place (not all boots have this feature)
-> Blocks the ankle when compared with normal boots which is good for riding but still allows you to walk around not looking-alike an astronaut
-> Sole have a good grip even when on top of a smooth concrete floor
sehr gut
Ich trage 43, aber habe ich 44 bestelt und passen mir sehr gut
Great quality
I bought from thousands km away but size match very good. And great quality shoes. you can wear that shoes everywhere not only on bike. Thanks fcmoto