Casa Motocicleta Bosses / motxilles Motxilles Alpinestars Charger Pro Motxilla motocicleta Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Alpinestars Charger Pro Motxilla motocicleta

Alpinestars Charger Pro Motxilla motocicleta
  • 154,95 €
    139,50 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • El panell frontal termoformat és semirígid per a la força i aerodinàmicament esculpit per proporcionar un mínim arrossegament en muntar.
    • El panell frontal té una construcció de teixit superficial llis per a un rendiment aerodinàmic addicional i presenta un polièster recobert de poliuretà en relleu per a la seva durabilitat.
    • Funda de pluja inclosa per a l'actuació del clima humit.

    Disponible, preparat per a l'enviament en 2 - 3 dies laborables

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 10
Avaluació mitjana: 4,7
5 English 1 Português 1 Český 2 Русский язык 1 日本の totes
Very useful. Maybe zipper on the side pockets could be better
Made in China that I never expected
A good quality riding backpack.
Seems to be a well built backpack. Comfortable to wear and the chest clip is very easy to do up or undo with gloves on. Having the rain cover is a great addition as well. My only gripe is that the adjustment on the shoulder straps seems to loosen off very easily. Have to adjust regularly. Hoping this stops after the straps break in a bit. All in all I would definitely recommend.
Naprosto vychytaný typ moto batohu
Od první chvíle kdy mi objednaný batoh dorazil mi dělá jenom radost. Výborně vymyšlený ve všech detailech, členění uvnitř, zapínací popruhy, síťka na přilbu, nepromok, velikostně tak akorát, perfektní dílenské zpracování, k tomu všemu dobře vypadá. Naprostá spokojenost.
otima qualidade
Muito confortavel em viagens longas e pratica para transportes de acessorios e o segundo capacete.
Хороший рюкзак
Удобный,хороший рюкзак,минусов пока не обнаружил.
The amount of features on this backpack is amazing. It's a shame Alpinestars didn't bother with a detailed description of al its features or more detailed pictures. Infinite adjustability, lots of storage, lots of storage compartments, helmet holder, magnetic clasps, can have a back protector installed, rain cover, they're just too many things to mention, there is a lot going on with this backpack.
Overall is the best backpack (including the normal "street" backpacks) I've ever owned.
Замечательный рюкзак
Рюкзак отличного качества. Почему-то ждала меньшего размера, с первого взгляда показался огромным. На мотоцикле ездить с этим рюкзаком удобно. Пока только по городу ездила, даже не чувствую при езде рюкзака. Все лямки фиксируются и регулируются, ничего не болтается. Карманы в рюкзаке глубокие и сам рюкзак достаточно вместительный. Моторюкзаком довольна и к покупке однозначно рекомендую, спасибо fc-moto!
very beautiful and very well made
Great build product
I'm very happy with my purchase, the build of the backpack is great quality and comfortable felt like almost no weight when using it. I read many others bought it and I try it myself is really great product and highly recommend anyone looking for such backpack, also comes with rain cover.