Casa Motocicleta Accessoris Eines Bastef Ducati Mandril Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Bastef Ducati Mandril

Bastef Ducati Mandril
  • 31,95 €
    • Adaptador per utilitzar l'estand de reparació d'un sol braç
    • model específic adequat per Ducati
    • disponible en dues mides diferents

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 6
Avaluació mitjana: 4,3
1 Deutsch 5 English totes
Just what i needed... fits, works, nice.
No problems... fits my 2007 S2R 1000 Monster. happy.
Great Product
This product fits great. I was septic at first due to some of the other reviews. I quickly realized twhen it was time to assemble where the reviews were coming from, but with common sense and taking some time to look at the product, it was an easy installation.
If the product would come with instructions it would elevate some of the confusion. Don't unscrew the nut to install. Remove the O ring. When you insert it into the arm, if it doesn't fit all the way, insert it the other way. Simple as that. Took me 10 mins to figure it out and have it fully assembled. Great product. Works well on 2022 Ducati Supersport 950S.
Compete junk
The mandrel shaft is too big to fit in the bastef rear stand so it's completely useless. The screw in the end was jammed in so tight and with so much loctite I snapped the head off it trying to undo it and made big gauges in the shaft with vice grips. DO NOT BUT THIS CRAP PRODUCT.
Very good product
This product fits great. I was septic at first due to some of the other reviews. I quickly realized when it was time to assemble where the reviews were coming from, but with common sense and taking some time to look at the product, it was an easy installation.
If the product would come with instructions it would eliminate some of the confusion. Don't unscrew the nut to install. Remove the O ring. When you insert it into the arm, if it doesn't fit all the way, insert it the other way. Simple as that. Took me 10 mins to figure it out and have it fully assembled. Great product. Works well on 2022 Ducati Supersport 950S.
Macht einen guten Eindruck
Ich habe das Motorrad noch nicht aufgebockt damit nur den Ständer in der Wohnung montiert. Ein vielleicht wichtiger Hinweis: Man benötigt eine Seegeringzange um den O Ring zu spreizen. Dann geht die Montage ganz leicht.
As describe no surprises
Very good !