Casa Motocicleta Roba Pantalons Cuir Berik Flexius Pantalons de pell de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Berik Flexius Pantalons de pell de moto

Berik Flexius Pantalons de pell de moto
  • 499,95 €
    254,95 €
    Us estalvieu 49 %
    • -Hide per vaca sencera
    • de súper-tens-Tex teixit elàstic a entrecuix i genoll del darrere
    • cuir perforat per millorar la ventilació

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 10
Avaluació mitjana: 4,6
1 Deutsch 4 English 1 Español 1 Italiano 3 日本の totes
Shipping and quality are very good.
I bought it based on size chart, but it's big for me.
I am 175cm 74kg.
Seller recommend size 52 on the chart, but I think size 50 is right.
Please refer to those who want to purchase.
Generally Good
Generally good, especially fitting feel on my body while riding. The protective parts built-in the pants are remarkably nice. The side pocket is one of my favorite feature of this pants however, the inner cloths of the pocket at right hand side has a "thumb size" hole when I receive this pants then I fixed it by myself. Suppose if it was present at somewhere outer part or protective part, this pants might be claimed for repair or replace.
Very good
Good product
I am 172cm 72Kg. I think I am average size as a Japanese.
I bought size 52 and it fits me well in my case. If it was size 50, it must have been too tight because it is tight a little bit even size 52.
I like it because it is very good quality although lower price.
身長178cm 体重73kg の標準体型です。今回サイズ54を購入しました。
私の体型にはジャストフィット!! オーダーメイドかと思うくらいでした(^^)
普段はいているジーンズは33インチ 股下85cmです。参考になると思い記載します。
super Hose
ich wiege 90 Kg und bin 180 cm groß . mir passt die Größe 56 suuuper . Sie hat alle Protektoren und es ist schönes dickes Leder finde ich persönlich gut. Die Hose hat auch 2 Taschen gefällt mir auch .
Taglia 50
Sono alto 1'76 e 82kg
Circonferenza vita cm 92
Sono giusti giusti, so che la pelle poi si adatta. Spero.
Li consiglio ottima costruzione e materiali eccellenti.
사이즈 참고하세요
175cm에 75kg 입니다.
사이즈표에 52가 적당할 것 같아 주문했는데 좀 크네요.
50사이즈가 적당할 것 같네요. 제 다리가 짧은걸지도 ㅠㅠ
Són fantàsticos, comodidad i seguridad, inmejorable són perfecto mui buena càlida