Casa Motocicleta Cascs i accessoris Integrals HJC F70 Carbon Casc Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a HJC F70 Carbon Casc

HJC F70 Carbon Casc
  • 399,90 €
    319,92 €
    Us estalvieu 20 %
    • Compleix amb la norma 22.05
    • Totes les viseres HJC proporcionen un 99% de protecció UV-A i UV-B
    • Extremadament lleugera i còmoda closca exterior de fibra de carboni convenç per la seva resistència d'alt impacte

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 6
Avaluació mitjana: 4
2 Deutsch 3 English 1 Español totes
Hammer Helm!
Es un producto excelente, ligero , muy silencioso, tiene buena estetica, aerodinamico. buen campo de vision, suficiente toma de aire y por decir lo menos. Estoy muy satisfecho y recomiendo, si queda justo apretado pero creo que es mejor que asi quede.. Soy talla M.
Very happy with this helmet.
It’s a tight Medium but that’s a good thing, it will break in. Great looking carbon fibre HJC.
Good product but poor expérience
I m very sad about experience With product. Hot To say at first that is my thirth buy With HJC products; always "open face" , medium size HJC helmets; and always bad very good experiences With those very good products ;
When I purchased this fullface Telnet, I ordered same size (medium) direct from company, From Germany ; this medium size was eau To small, giving me pain To jaws and head ;
I have no fun riding With it because of it; I have To Take or off after 30 minutes of use...
I m very sad because I just love the Telnet and thé brand... I just don t know What To do...
I don t understand How two helmets of same size from same company can fit differently...
I just don t know What To do With all this...
For the rest, ail works just Well, but can t wear it, way too tight ...
Came as expected within the time frame.
Buying from the site was good.
The helmet is a bit noisier that others I own. But for the price and quality it’s acceptable.
Will buy more from the site.
Verarbeitung Gut
Helm in Gr.M bestellt ....Gr.L passte . Top Qualitàt