Casa Motocicleta Cascs i accessoris Integrals Shoei NXR 2 Faust Casc Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Shoei NXR 2 Faust Casc

Shoei NXR 2 Faust Casc
  • 599,00 €
    419,95 €
    Us estalvieu 15 %
    • sistema de retenció: doble D
    • tipus de visera: CWR-F2 Pinlock llest
    • pes: 1390 g (+/- 50 g)

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 7
Avaluació mitjana: 4,6
1 Deutsch 5 English 1 中国 totes
Ich bin begeistert...
Sowohl die Optik als auch die Qualität lassen nichts zu wünschen übrig. Die Größe passt perfekt und sieht auch einfach nur klasse aus. Klare Empfehlung von mir!!!
Incredible fitment straight outta box.
Bt installing was bad experience, visor is leaking and whistling, even my old xr-800 had better fitment of visor than this.
Excellent helmet
great worldwide well established helmet company! good comfortable fit! recommend
Great constructed Shoei helmet. Stunning graphics. Customs were another 101.00 duty on top of the helmet price to the U.K.
Great helment and painting
drawing a lot of attention, good helment, fits good.
The covering of the helmet is better, there will be no uncomfortable urgency, needless to say, the appearance is very beautiful
Love the helmet but if your in the UK don't be fooled by the price I had to pay another £100 in customs duty