Casa Marques D Dainese Motocicleta Roba tèxtil Pantalons Dainese Galvestone D2 Gore-Tex Pantalons tèxtils Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Dainese Galvestone D2 Gore-Tex Pantalons tèxtils

Dainese Galvestone D2 Gore-Tex Pantalons tèxtils
  • 329,95 €
    296,90 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
  • Pilots que vulguin allotjar-càlid i sec a les inclemències del temps sense renunciar de durabilitat no necessita mirar més enllà d'aquest pantalons, simple mirada desmenteix les seves característiques tècniques, com ara un 100% impermeable, transpirable GORE-TEX® membrana i un folre tèrmic desmuntable.

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 5
Avaluació mitjana: 4
4 English 1 Italiano totes
I would not recommend thistrousers
No hip protectors or pockets for such.
loose pushbuttons.
Comodo e resistente al freddo
Brilliant riding trousers
The trousers are great.Definitely keep you dry and warm.Just when I took out the inner warm layer(there was around 12°C)it's getting a little cold around thighs and hips,but nothing too serious.I didn't want to wear the warm layer in those temperatures so just put some shorts under and that was ok.Otherwise I used the trousers in the heavy rain and in -4°C.And was dry and warm all the time.So loving it.
Very comfortable waterproof pants
Very comfortable, warm, waterproof and protected.