Aloitussivu Tuotemerkit S Sidi SIDI Touring saappaat Sidi Strada Rain Moottoripyörä saappaat vedenpitävä Arviot

Asiakasarviot: Sidi Strada Rain Moottoripyörä saappaat vedenpitävä

Sidi Strada Rain Moottoripyörä saappaat vedenpitävä
  • 219,90 €
    175,90 €
    Säästät 20 %
  • Ylä - Lorica ®
    VUORATTU - Tepor ja antibakteerisia ja anti-allerginen Zerosweat vuori
    SULKEMINEN - Velcro suojattu zip
    POHJALLINEN - nylon pohjallinen ja irrotettava arch tukea.
    SOLE - kumipohja, slip-proof rakenne.

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Arvioiden lukumäärä: 9
Arvioiden keskiarvo: 5
2 Deutsch 1 Nederlands 2 Русский язык kaikki
Ich war bisher mit dem Produkt immer zufrirden.
Die Produktinformationen entsprechen der in der Praxis gemachten Erfahrungen.
perfecte pasvorm en waterdicht!
Ik draag al jaren deze motorlaars en als ze helemaal versleten zijn weer dezelfde. Goede vorm, waterdicht en als je een stuk moet lopen naar t circuit zijn het ook prima wandelschoenen!
We like
I ordered these shoes himself and his girlfriend. Check managed one just yet, left January 1, 2017 in St. Petersburg. According to weather -1 celsius chilly, even in warm socks in them=) The quality is very good, we sat like a glove. Convenient. About water resistance will not say anything until the check was not possible.
Shipping by regular mail 23 days from the date of payment.
Хорошие мотоботы! Рекомендую.
Заказал эти ботинки себе и своей девушке. Проверить удалось один раз пока, выехали 1 января 2017 в Санкт-Петербурге. По погоде в -1 по Цельсию в них холодновато, даже в теплых носках=) Качество очень хорошее, сели как влитые. Удобные. Про водонепроницаемость ничего не скажу, проверить пока возможности не было.
Доставка обычной почтой 23 дня с момента оплаты.
Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis
Warm, waterproof and excellent quality!
I really love these boots. I bought a pair in 2007, and they are still going strong. I only want to replace them with another pair of Sidi boots in the future. Amazing quality, and the fit is perfect for me. Keeps my feet warm and dry, even here in Norway.
Have had them tested one several journeys and especially on heavy rain conditions. Astonishingly waterproof, comfortable and very flexible over ankle.Have them 2 years and believe I'll keep them another 2 for sure.Surely a worthy proposal at a nice price.
Great fit, waterproof.
I like the fit of Sidi. These boots are great for riding a motorcycle, specially when there's an unexpected shower.
Very confortable boots. I have been wearing them for a couple of hours and it seems that they are custom made. Waterproof checked in weak showers. Good protections in target areas. Also very well looking. Strongly recommended touring boots for daily use and long rides.