시작 페이지 바이크 헬멧 및 액세서리 플립업 AGV Sportmodular PLK Sharp Carbon 헬멧 평가

AGV Sportmodular PLK Sharp Carbon 헬멧 에 대한 고객 평가

AGV Sportmodular PLK Sharp Carbon 헬멧

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평가 수: 5
평균 평점: 4
3 Deutsch 1 English 1 Русский язык 전부
more pros than cons
Bought this helmet 1 month ago after reviewing Schubert C3 pro/C4, HJV 90 and Neotec 2. I’ve tried all of them.
Don’t like the Schubert’s especially their design but that’s very personal. HJV the issue was that the L had pressure points and XL was just too big.
I have a rf1200 so I was going for the Neotec 2 but after reading the AGV reviews I considered the last one. Design wise definitely nicer.
Quality wise well not at the same leve as Shoei. The shell is great but the inside plastics pretty cheap and not well assembled. It takes 10 annoying mins to remove the chin pad pulling it strongly and worrying it will brake.
Now the AGV after a couple of weeks and around 600km is a very comfortable helmet. It is amazingly light (disturbing at first as you wonder if you have locked it properly) and stable at high speed (200km/h). I have a SuperDuke R so no protection whatsoever.
To conclude: not the perfect helmet but I would buy it again. You just need to know the pro and con when you make your choice.
Ahhh and and forgot about the strap. Uncomfortable the first 2 weeks but now no problem anymore
Sitzt gut, Mechanik scheint solide zu sein, leich - wie vesprochen
Nachdem AGV den leichten Sportmodular gebracht hat, dachte ich: Probier es mal mit einem Klapphelm! Der erste Eindruck ist ausgesprochen gut. Knackiger Sitz, komfortabel, alle beweglichen Teile scheinen solide zu sein. Wenn der Sportmodular diesen Zustand über die Jahre hält, kann man ihn nur uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
Торчат нитки из внутренних элементов - сказывается производство Китая, в остальном все хорошо.
super klapphelm
angenehm zu tragen,
gute Belüftung
liegt gut im Fahrtwind
Gewicht gut - Verarbeitung schlecht. habe innert kurzer Zeit schon zwei Visite ersetzen müssen. Preis eher zu hoch. Alternativen zu diesem Gewicht sehe ich zur Zeit keine.