시작 페이지 바이크 헬멧 및 액세서리 바이저 AGV X3000 챙 평가

AGV X3000 챙 에 대한 고객 평가

AGV X3000 챙
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* 필수 입력란
평가 수: 9
평균 평점: 4.9
5 Deutsch 4 English 전부
Does the job and feels top quality!
Excellent! Good build quality and great shade of tint for both daylight and still bright enough to keep visilibity in tunnels and evening time riding. Easy to install, just fastened with 2 sturdy hexagon skrews. I bought this for AGV Nieto Edition X3000 Helmet and visually fits it like a glove.
As promised
Fits perfectly, works well, anti-fog is great compared to the stock clear visor.
Sehr gute Qualität aber vielzu teuer.
Noch keine
Sehr schön
Ein tolles Visier passt super zum Helm
Five Stars
Excellent product (AGV MIRROR VISOR) excellent service. paypal available for payments helped my decision. I will use again. Thanks
Sehr gute Qualität
1A-Passgenauigkeit (wie von einem Originalzubehörteil zu erwarten).
Verpackung und Zusendung der Ware ohne Beanstandung.
Great look and antifog is super.
Great product, can not be used at night all all. But of course not intended to. Really easy to install.
Antifog is very good compared to original.
Top Visier - leider recht teuer
Qualität top! Tönung sehr gut! Leider recht teuer...