시작 페이지 브랜드 T TCX TCX-Urban-Waterproof-Boot 평가

TCX-Urban-Waterproof-Boot 에 대한 고객 평가


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* 필수 입력란
평가 수: 9
평균 평점: 4.8
1 中国 전부
comfortable, looks great, walking around with them every day with casual clothes-looks great. didn't try them in rain yet.
highly recommended for those who ride daily.
Excellent Product
comfortable, looks great, waterproof. walking around with them almost every day with casual clothes-looks great.
highly recommended.
not for warm summer
Excellent Product
comfortable, looks great, waterproof. walking around with them almost every day with casual clothes-looks great.
highly recommended.
not for warm summer
very good for business drivers
fit perfect, good business look. You can walk with them like normal shoes but also have a good feeling on the bike. Only one negative point: No fresh air for your feets at all.
Very good product
Product used daily. These boots are very comfortable, stylish and really waterproof.Would recommend to all those who ride every day to commute to work.
Der Schuh passt perfekt. Grösse 42, ist wirklich eine 42. Auch wenn man den ganzen Tag im Schuh drin ist, drückt er überhaupt nicht. Perfekt!
Der Schuh passt perfekt. Grösse 42, ist wirklich eine 42.
Good product
I use these daily.
Comfortable to walk around with
Look like casual boot/shoe

Not for warm days