시작 페이지 브랜드 L Leatt 모토크로스 보호장비 Leatt-3DF-Hybrid-EXT-Knee-Shin-Guard-0001 평가

Leatt-3DF-Hybrid-EXT-Knee-Shin-Guard-0001 에 대한 고객 평가


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평가 수: 13
평균 평점: 4.8
8 English 1 Français 3 Русский язык 전부
Одни из удобнейших наколенников. Сидят плотно, движению не мешают, защиты много. Размер брал xxl на рост 185 вес 100 и полную ногу. Отличное приобретение, доволен на все 100.
I wear them for 3-4h doing downhill and sometimes pedaling also.
I never feeld them, they stay in place 99% of the time.
very good protection for shins and knees
You can pedal with them no problem
Super fit anr comfy
They fit perfectly, after a while you don't even know you are wearing them, the only downside is they slip a bit when pedaling, but all in all a great product would recommend if you mostly ride park.
It saved my leg!
I have used it for almost a year long now. I wear it under my jeans... on a naked bike. It is really low profile and comfortable, I feel the bike well in these knee guards. I write this review, because 2 days ago I was riding my bike and I've been hit by a car. The impact came from the right side...this product saved my knee and my shin..and the boots protected my ankle and heel. I came out from the crash with only a few bruises. I highly recommend these Leatt knee&shin guards and also the Alpinestars SMX3 boots what I was wearing.
nice fit
I haven't used them until now, but they fit nice, and seems to stay in place.
Fits perfect
Удобные и стильные
Понравились, плотно сидят, не мешают двигаться.
cool, comfortable and colorful!
great protection!
comfortable and cool
très bon produit
Très bon produit,léger,bon maintien,
Definitely worth the price
Looks cool, feels very comfortable, it is clear that this product is precisely engineered for ergonomics