시작 페이지 브랜드 S Sena 10 Sena-10R-Bluetooth-Headset-Single-Pack 평가

Sena-10R-Bluetooth-Headset-Single-Pack 에 대한 고객 평가

  • ₩ 378,686
    ₩ 321,895
    저장 15 %
  • 현재 배송 불가

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평가 수: 4
평균 평점: 5
1 English 2 Español 전부
Muy buena calidad, muy buen sonido, de facil instalacion
Muy satisfechos con los auriculares Sena 10R.Son sencillos,ergonómicos y de alta calidad.Lo que esperaba de ellos,no defraudan.
Very good!
I had a sena headset before and was a great experience, except for the helmet by that time, a Next XT.1 which is RUBBISH!
This Sena device works as good as it is supposed to! Clear sound and easy to use plus the app is also very helpful setting up the device and that remote control is very useful so you don't have to keep pressing the buttons on your helmet.
Nice Product!
I took sena 10R for my girlfriend's helmet ( Shoei XR1100). Very easy installation! Great and clear sound between us ( with sena 10u ara).