시작 페이지 바이크 헬멧 및 액세서리 바이저 Bell 3Snap 510 Flat 방패 평가

Bell 3Snap 510 Flat 방패 에 대한 고객 평가

Bell 3Snap 510 Flat 방패

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* 필수 입력란
평가 수: 5
평균 평점: 4.4
2 Deutsch 1 English 1 Svenska 1 Český 전부
5 av 5.
Fyller sin funktion bra.
Naja! War ein klassischer Fehlkauf.
Passt farblich nicht zum eher elfenbeinfarbigen Bell 500 custom stripes, da reinweiss.
Nicht sehr wertig.
Lagert jetzt erstmal im Schubfach.
kvalitní výrobek
pasuje naprosto přesně k přilbě BEll Custom 500 , doporučuji
Okay, I give some advice with this product.
The snap shield does not fit from the box onto the Bell Classic 500 in the sizes that I have which are M and XXL. The trick is to undo the middle press stud on the helmet and insert a washer or 2 to raise the stud so it can connect to the visor. I hope this helps anyone who is puzzled as to why the item does not fit straight from the box. When fitted works okay and looks good with my Triumph 1200.
Sehr guter Schirm
Sehr guter Schirm , passte perfekt auf meinen Helm