시작 페이지 브랜드 I Ixon 장갑 Racing Ixon RS Trigger HP Gloves 장갑 평가

Ixon RS Trigger HP Gloves 장갑 에 대한 고객 평가

Ixon RS Trigger HP Gloves 장갑

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* 필수 입력란
평가 수: 15
평균 평점: 3.3
4 Deutsch 3 English 2 Français 1 Español 1 Português 1 Русский язык 전부
produit parfait
Не советую.
Прислали перчатки уже с браком, на одной из перчатке кожа отслоилась (возле шва). Качество плохое, на долго не хватит. Размер L, немного тесноват, возможно разносятся.
Smaller size than expected. pay attention to that
Appears to have good quality
bad quality, nice fit
nice fit true to size, and feel comfy
however, bad quality, as the material above where the brand ixon is written, it is not leather, and after I wore them 10 times it started to peal.
Was on special when I bought it, really good value for money. Comfortable and sturdy with good protection where it matters. The sizing is a bit small. I dont have big hands, and even the 3xl is a tight fit.
Zeher schlecht!!!!
Nach eine tag Leder abgerissene.
Muy cómodos.
Dan muy poca talla. Recomiendo una talla más de lo habitual.
Gute Passform cooles Produkt
Gut verarbeitet mit guten Protektoren. Müssen eingetragen werden da noch ein bisschen steif aber man hat sie ja ein paar Jahre und sie sind primär zum schutz da
Mal taillé
Bien trop petit. Je fais du xl et même un xxl fait à peine la taille du L
medium bad
the size didn't match and the material was poor quality. Is started ripping all over the glove
Produkt entspricht der Preis Leistung!
Bin zufrieden mit dem Produkt,auch der umtausch in eine andere Größe.
the quality is good
did not match size
The quality is good, do not coincide with the actual dimensions.
The size was less than was stated by the manufacturer.
Size is not correct
The size is smaller than specified. I bought the L, but really gloves size M