시작 페이지 바이크 바이크 보호장비 자켓 Revit Proteus 모토크로스 프로텍터 재킷 평가

Revit Proteus 모토크로스 프로텍터 재킷 에 대한 고객 평가

Revit Proteus 모토크로스 프로텍터 재킷

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평가 수: 6
평균 평점: 3.7
3 Deutsch 2 English 1 Español 전부
Sehr gut 👍
Nutze die Protektorenjacke zum Endurowandern. Sehr luftig, aber trotzdem sitzen die Protektoren an der richtige Stelle. Der Stoff ist sehr dünn, und bietet somit keinen Abriebschutz. Eine entsprechende Endurojacke drüber ist Pflicht. In meinem Fall eine Klim Dakar.
Der Rückenprotektor war mir zu kurz. Diesen habe ich entfernt und nutze nun unter der Jacke einen Rückenprotektor von Alpinestars ohne dessen Bauchgurt. Funktioniert hervorragend.
Looks cool, is comfortable, but that's about it
The protector has a fantastic design and it just looks super cool on its own. It is extremely comfortable to wear. Unfortunately, the stitching quality is poor and the fabric is very thin. Also, after a couple of minutes, you will start sweating on the back. There should be double/triple stitching everywhere and the back area should be more ventilated. 2 stars for the design.
Muy buena armadura
Brinda muy buena protección, la faja brinda una mayor seguridad, fue suficientemente ventilado para temperaturas de 33 grados. Si lo recomiendo.
fast perfekt
meine Grösse, L
bestellte Grösse, L
Protektoren sitzen perfekt, jedoch ist die Weste meiner Meinung nach etwas zu lang, ansonsten ok.
Not good enough for new in 2021
The chest and back protector in this is not very nice. Basically just 3 layer of foam. Poor ventilated. Elbow and shoulder armour are ventilated but the material is pretty stiff. However the elbow armour has good coverage and shape, Make one in D30 or SAS-Tec and it would be great.

The fabric that holds the kit together it tight woven and feels very sensitive so i am having doubts it will hold up well.

This will be a warm pressure suit compared to the competition.

Revit is good at marketing so it´s easy to be fooled that they are breaking new ground with their Dirt series. What they add is mediocre performance, at a high price with some cool design.
Sehr gut, hoch qualitativ
Sehr angenehm zu tragen, sehr praktisch ,bin sehr zufrieden