시작 페이지 바이크 헬멧 및 액세서리 플립업 Shoei Neotec 2 Separator 헬멧 평가

Shoei Neotec 2 Separator 헬멧 에 대한 고객 평가

Shoei Neotec 2 Separator 헬멧

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* 필수 입력란
평가 수: 5
평균 평점: 4.6
2 Deutsch 3 English 전부
I love the helmet a lot
Bester Klapphelm auf dem Markt
Perfekte Passform, Visier / Sonnenblende / Verschluss / Klappvorrichtung und Lufteinlässe super, das war mein 3.Shoei Neotec bereits (diesmal für meine Sozius), allein der Preis schmerzt ein wenig, aber ansonsten für Tourer uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert.
3 Sterne
Den Neotec 2 kann ich nicht uneingeschränkt empfehlen, die Passform ist schon super aber ich finde die Lufteinlässe können nicht genügend geschlossen werden.
Nice fit, good design and functionality. This my first helmet and I’m highly satisfied with FC-MOTO. Thanks ??
Nice fit, good design and functionality. This my first helmet and I’m highly satisfied with FC-MOTO. Thanks ??
Five stars for all
I just got the helmet and went on a trip, so I tested it in +36 C heat.
I got into the rain also in the mountains to very heavy rain. A total of 2,370 km were covered on the trip.
Great helmet, well made, very good rain resistance, if you don't raise the visor, the rain doesn't get inside the helmet.
If you lift the visor, the fabric under the chin gets wet because the water runs down from the helmet body.
Keeps heat perfectly inside the helmet, very quiet, comfortable.