Casa Motociclos Acessórios Segurança / aloquetes Oxford Nemesis Ultra Strong Bloqueio de corrente Avaliações

Avaliação de produto para Oxford Nemesis Ultra Strong Bloqueio de corrente

Oxford Nemesis Ultra Strong Bloqueio de corrente

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Número de avaliações: 5
Avaliação média: 4,2
2 English tudo
Heavy and strong chain with a mediocre lock.
The chain is very nice its heavy and bulky and the price is really good compared for other places I've seen.
Now about the lock that it comes with, its very mediocre and after 3 months it starts to rust a bit making at a hassle to unlock but you just have to keep it clean so don't be lazy.
Another thing about the lock is that is that the shackle has this rubber around it so you can't use it as a disk lock if anyone does that.
If the chain would come with a better lock this would be a perfect buy, I would suggest in the future getting a better lock to go with this chain.
All in all great product always buy the thickest chain you can get for those extra minutes.
It is vary strong chain
It is very heavy.
Excellent chain and padlock.
Great customer support.
It's huge and heavy..exactly the item i was expecting.
Sehr gutes Kettenschloß!
Gekauft wurde das Oxford Nemesis Kettenschloß in 2,0m Länge zur Absicherung meiner Kawasaki an einer Straßenlaterne

+ bestes Preis-Leistungsverhält aller Kettenschlösser, das ich kenne
+ sehr gut verarbeitet (Made in Taiwan) sowie gute Qualität der Materialien
+ es werden insgesamt 4 Schlüssel mitgeliefert
+ Lebensgarantie gegen defekte Herstellung oder Material
+ extrem robust & widerstandsfähig

- Kette in 2,0m Länge hat ein Gewicht von ca. 9,5Kg (verbleibt deshalb auch dauerhaft an der Laterne und wird nicht bei Fahrten auf dem Bike mittransportiert); hier als Alternative vielleicht die Kette in 1,2m Länge.

wie bereits beschrieben kann ich dieses Kettenschloß uneingeschränkt empfehlen!
solid but lock below par
The lock has started rusting after 2 months and is now difficult to take off