主页 品牌 S Spidi 护具 Spidi Airtech Armor 摩托車紡織夾克 评价

Spidi Airtech Armor 摩托車紡織夾克的客户评价

Spidi Airtech Armor 摩托車紡織夾克
  • ¥815,46
    您保存 5 %
    • Spidi 安泰盔甲是用高韌性網格相結合的技術特點對那些城市機動性的賽車夾克夏季夾克。它研究了穿本身或根據第二層遮罩。



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评价数量: 19
平均评价: 3,9
5 English 2 Italiano 5 Русский язык 全部
Размер подбирал согласно рекомендаций. Подошол. Качество очень хорошее, цена приемлемая. Доставка быстрая и Германии в Сибирь.
Good overall
Might be a longtime storage product, the water resist fabric part at the neckline are a little bit sticky, also some stitch flaw here and there, price and customer service is good.
Защиты спины и груди нет, сшита не плохо, нитки торчат, размер подошёл в соответствии с таблицей
Low quality
After 1 week zipper broke
Без спины
Куртка тонкая и легкая. Для жары самое то, но в комплекте нет защиты спины и нет защиты груди.
E' un prodotto favoloso
Cercavo un giubbino praticamente inesistente ma che avesse protezioni spalle e gomiti, dopo aver acquistato il gilet motoairbag
Questo è esattamente quello che cercavo, estremamente adattabile tramite i velcri e estremamente fresco anche grazie alla mancanza di tessuto nella zona ascelle ......materiali curati e ben rifinito......davvero ottimo acquisto !
Thank you very much everything I order from fc moto I am very pleased
very fragile
Outside fabric is very very fragile. I used a cheap jacket all in mesh last year and it was resistant to abrasion not much but I was expecting better from spidi. Disaponted return it. Its only good to use under a jacket. Buy one in cordura with mesh inserts like i did
good quality
light weight and cool in hot weather
Easily adjustable
Fast shipping and reasonable postage price
Very happy with the product
Is very fragille. I send it back. Did not like it. The mesh fabric is very very week
very nice fit
Passform für mich nicht ideal
Very Good Summer (mesh) Jacket
Very Good Summer (mesh) Jacket...it comes with both shoulders and elbows protections included, but unfortunally the back protector warrior evo inside and the chest protector are sold separaly as an extra...
It is a good "Jacket" but if it was today, i would prefer to buy the Spidi Multitech Armor Evo wich comes already with all the protections and the sleeves and other pockets are much better tailored
Отличная куртка
Жаль размер не подошёл.
produit bien finis
Testé au moi de novembre en inde par un copain
veste confortable et bien finis idéal par grosse chaleur
It can be wear both inside your normal jacket and outside a T-shirt, which means you can wear all your regular clothing with Spidi armor attached. Super air-flowing efficient in hot summer riding. highly recommended if you need to commute in cities with 40 degree summer.
Giacca molto leggera. Da rivalutare più avanti nella stagione
Taglia corretta in base alla descrizione del prodotto presente sul sito.
Sembrano buone le protezioni leggere presenti.
Tessuto extra-light