主页 品牌 H HJC 面罩 HJC HJ-05 遮陽 评价

HJC HJ-05 遮陽的客户评价

HJC HJ-05 遮陽
  • ¥200,64
    • 耐劃痕
    • 可用清晰、有色或鏡面
    • 平洛克準備好了


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评价数量: 10
平均评价: 4,1
1 Deutsch 3 English 1 Nederlands 1 Español 1 Suomi 全部
Alles Bestens!
doesn't match the description and picture
just ordinary spare visor, has no indicated pins
Just a visor, no anti-condensate function
I bought a clear visor with anti-condensate option and been dissapointed. It is just a visor with no additional function. I'll keep it because I can use another visor but there is no need to advertise it with additional function because it has no any.
Past goed, oogt mooi
Vizier is makkelijk te wisselen en sluit goed aan. Op een hele zonnige dag rijdt het fijn want de zon is niet zo scherp. Maar ook in de schemer is het nog niet storend om met dit vizier te moeten rijden.
El producto lo tengo anteriormente pero se me ha roto el cierre y por eso lo he vuelto a pedir pero me habeis mandado otro modelo
No entiendo como si no me mandais lo q yo he pedido,ahora la devolucion la tenga q pagar yo,creo q es vuestro error y no tendriais q cobrarmelo
fits well
Visor fits well, nice colour
Looks good, but....
i bought the dark smoke version for my son helmet (HJC CL-Y Yuma MC1) it looks great, and my son love it. But the only problemthat it is not easy to install comparing to the clear visor which coming with the helmet. I had spent 10 min until get this visor on. For the clear visor only few seconds (like a charm).
Good product with decent price