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Büse SBX 防水摩托車皮靴的客户评价

Büse SBX 防水摩托車皮靴


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评价数量: 11
平均评价: 3
poor quality!
Under severe moisture are not waterproof. They are not in leather but in plastic of poor quality. The seams are completely ugly because are not right, that give a crude aspect. The plastics of the protections are soft. The only good advantage of this type of materials is its low durability, thanks God! No more this brand!
Angenehm gut etwas schwer mit Reissverschluss zum zu machen
bad finishes, poor quality in details and in general!
It is the first and the last time that i buy this brand. The size is too long for the foot but is narrow in the leg. You can't use it with leather pants. The seams are crooked. The only advantage is the quality of the plastic of closure system around the leg. It is so bad that i am only waiting to being damage for buying another brand!!!
Very comfortable and hi tech looking!
very satisfied
is my first purchase of the brand and I was pleasantly surprised. The boot despite countless stocking caps is fine walking on foot or on bike. from the point of view of technical and aesthetic is really super. I also liked the solution of mixed zip velcro closure and an absolutely alluring ratcheting metal that governs plastic enclosure as the solution for closing the upper part of the tibia protection that one can see on the photos. I do not understand why the fact have not been exposed to the many qualities of the product by the brand.
Полное Г
Через год использование подошва стерлась и начала отклеиваться. На носке возле шва накладки появилась трещина пропускающая воду. Слишком мягкие для своего вида, по сравнению с теми же Vanucci RV5, с такой же формой, как масло и бетон! пластик дешевый, шарниры скрипят. Единственная качественная часть - это слайдер, из вроде как цельного куска металла.
preis leistung top
echt super . kann nichts negatives für den preis sagen
Produto de ótima qualidade
Muito boa para a proteçao e pilotagem de motocicletas
nicht empfehlenswert
Wasserdichtigkeit absolut mangelhaft.nicht zu empfehlen.
Optik sehr gut und auch sehr bequem zu tragen.
Bin sehr unzufrieden auch nach Reklamation ist das neue Paar auch nicht wasserdicht.
really poor quality. I have lost few screws on a first month of riding. Plastics bends any way they like. Not much of protectors at all. After two months i broke zipper newer happen with sport boots before :(

Durability: Very poor
Comfort: Average
Looks : Poor
Price: Good
gut und bequem
Der Stiefel ließ sich anfangs etwas schwer schließen. Über der Lederkombi getragen, kriegt man den Reißverschluss nicht ganz zu, da der Schaft doch sehr eng ist. Trotzdem ist der Stiefel bequem beim fahren und auch gehen. Zudem hält er sein Versprechen, was die Wasserdichtigkeit bei starkem Regen angeht.