Startside Mærker S Shark Speed-R Shark Speed-R Series 2 Starq Hjelm Bedømmelser

Kundebedømmelser for Shark Speed-R Series 2 Starq Hjelm

Shark Speed-R Series 2 Starq Hjelm
  • 379,99 €
    322,99 €
    Du sparer 15 %
    • Vindtunnel, afprøvet for at sikre optimal aerodynamik og ventilation for roadster motorcykler
    • dobbelt klinge spoiler – med nyt look-for en effekt, der frisker og forhindrer dug
    • En endnu mere selvsikker look: nye interiør, nye lavere gummipakning

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Antal bedømmelser: 5
Gennemsnitsbedømmelse: 4,8
2 English 1 Nederlands 1 Русский язык alle
very good
Very nice looking helmet, much nicer than on the pictures. The size L for a 59cm head perimeter fits a bit too small at the begining but with the use it becomes very comfortable. The aerodynamic inside is really impressive. As soon as you start to move, you notice it. It is very good since I am wearing glasses. Also at high speed it allows you to move easily the head. The only point to remove one star is the noise. I'd expected better isolation of the aerodynamic noise. I have already done about 600 km with it and you need to wear ear plugs if you hit the highway. Other than that, I am very happy with it.
Excellent helmet for me and others.
This is a very comfortable helmet, fit for my head. Looks very nice, good visibility for car drivers. It feels lighter than I think of its weight. Everyone needs to wear helmet on his head for a while from all kinds of manufacturers before buying. I did this and ordered in FC-MOTO webshop this superb SHARK SPEED-R S2 STARQ helmet.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Perfect product and Fc-moto has a great service and fast delivery! Thank you SHARK and thank you FC-MOTO!!!
Verry good, lightweight, comfortable, and well fitting.
I went to the store, and there i tried some helmets.
Then I buyed this 1.
This helm fitted verry well around my head and was nice looking and lightweight.
I needed to hold this helm for about 10 minutes on my head.
I had it 15 minutes on my head, because I forgot thath I was wearing this helmet.
And when driving my motor now with this helmet its verry comfortable and good.

For this price, its an exelent, perfect helmet.
I think for this money 1 of the best!
But thath also will depend on the shape of your head.
No1 for this class