Home Motorcycle Clothing Vests Icon Mil-Spec 2 Vest Ratings

Customer ratings for Icon Mil-Spec 2 Vest

Icon Mil-Spec 2 Vest
  • 49.92 €
    47.42 €
    You save 5 %
    • 4-Way Stretch materials
    • YKK® Zipper
    • Sublimated Graphics

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 3.8
1 Deutsch 2 English 2 Norsk 1 Русский язык all
Reißverschluss zum einfädeln auf der linken Seite - ungewöhnlich für einen Mann. Qualität ok,
As what you expected from Icon Motorsport. Good quality, nice finish and great value.
Хороший лёгкий жилет
+ не парусит
+ размер точно подходит для ношения поверх куртки того же размера
+ лёгкий, повторяет контуры куртки.
- простой продукт "без всего"
- легко повредить (вытянуть нитку)
- загрязнение удаляется только стиркой (ручной)
God synlighet, stretch og kvalitet
Kanskje litt stor i størrelsen. Ellers som forventet.
God kvalitet. Bra passform.
Størrelsene er tilpasset at du skal ha dem på utsiden av tykke jakker. Så du må bestille samme størrelse som du har i jakke, og ikke gå opp et hakk.
The S/M is at best M. It's definitely too big over an S sized jacket, even more so over a slim fitting S sized jacket. It will flap.

Stains don't come off easily.
Easy to damage: threads get picked, and a tiny hole appeared at the side on day 1.

The color is bright enough and there is an acceptable amount of reflective elements, including the sides.