Home Brands R Rukka Functional Underwear Rukka Toast Thermo Microfleece Functional Underwear Set Ratings

Customer ratings for Rukka Toast Thermo Microfleece Functional Underwear Set

Rukka Toast Thermo Microfleece Functional Underwear Set
  • 54.90 €
    44.90 €
    You save 18 %
    • HIGHLY BREATHABLE Transfers the body’s extra moisture   away from the skin.
    • CAPTURES WARMTH Polyester fleece is extremely warm because of its structure. The pile surface provides space for air pockets between the threads
    • RESISTS MOISTURE Keeps warm even under extreme weather conditions


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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 5
Perfecte i agradable
Molt agradable al tacte i molt calent com a roba interior per el trajecte en moto a la feina 45 quilómetres, entre 5 i -5 °C
Molt satisfet.
Des de Catalunya !!*!!
Perfecte i agradable
Molt agradable al tacte i molt calent com a roba interior per el trajecte en moto a la feina 45 quilómetres, entre 5 i -5 °C
Molt satisfet.
Des de Catalunya !!*!!
Perfecte i agradable
Molt agradable al tacte i molt calent com a roba interior per el trajecte en moto a la feina 45 quilómetres, entre 5 i -5 °C
Molt satisfet.
Des de Catalunya !!*!!
Good thermal insulation effect
But size is bigger than China.