Startside Mærker A Acerbis Offroad Beskyttelse Acerbis X-Strong Knæ beskyttere Bedømmelser

Kundebedømmelser for Acerbis X-Strong Knæ beskyttere

Acerbis X-Strong Knæ beskyttere
  • DKK 1.023,75
    DKK 865,80
    Du sparer 15 %
    • Systemet er dobbelt-ende og tilpasser sig godt til anatomi af knæet.
    • Giver maksimal bevægelse med høj torsionsstivhed, kombineret med befæstelsessystemet bestående af 2 store neopren stropper
    • Transport pose og elastiske sokker medfølger

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Antal bedømmelser: 25
Gennemsnitsbedømmelse: 4,7
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Bequem und Stabil
Die Zeit wird zeigen wie die Klettverschlüsse funktionieren
Erfüllen meine Erwartungen
Sehr gut funktionell
Entspricht meinen Vorstellungen!
Kaum spürbar, durch die breiten Manschetten sehr angenehm zu tragen.
пользую и на дороге тоже.
под штаны Surplus Vintage размера xxl надеваются без проблем. очень удобно.
Solid, provide good protection of knee and shin. Comfortable to use. I am using with shorts in warm weather for short rides. I believe could use under pants with wider legs.
..sehr gute Qualität
Tolles Produkt, leicht, stabil, man spürt es im harten Outdoor-Use nicht wirklich, sehr guter Schutz!!
Cómodas y funcionales
Están muy cómodas y ampliamente recomendables tanto para uso diario como para rodadas largas
Qualità prezzo ho un'ottima sensazione. Spero di non dover verificare la qualità d'impatto.
Avvolgente e già al tatto si apprezza l'ottima qualità e rubusta struttura. Spedizione rapidissima.
Good quality product, comfortable
The protection level is really high. The size wasn't shown, but it still fitted well (might be a universal size or something, but it is not for thick knees, more like for persons who wear S / M / XL / 2XL and has medium size radius legs). The second strip was short and useless for my knee, but the primary strip fitted and adjusted well on my naked knee. It's quite short if you decide to wear on pants, but still, it worked fine for me. The strip grip is quite steady tho. Without socks, it's a bit slippery and needs good adjustment, but overall it still provides good protection. I'm sure I'm gonna use them on asphalt roads.
5 Stars
Very good knee protectors.
Light weight.
Very good tight fit.
After few minutes forget that something is on the legs.
Strong protection, Good quality
The protection level is really high. The size wasn't shown, but it still fitted well (might be a universal size or something, but it is not for thick knees, more like for persons who wear S / M / XL / 2XL and has medium size radius legs). The second strip was short and useless for my knee, but the primary strip fitted and adjusted well on my naked knee. It's quite short if you decide to wear on pants, but still, it worked fine for me. The strip grip is quite steady tho. Without socks, it's a bit slippery and needs good adjustment, but overall it still provides good protection. I'm sure I'm gonna use them on asphalt roads.
Сидят на ноге крепко. Шарниры делают движения свободными, большой угол сгиба. Жаркие в тёплую погоду.
Fattades en strumpa i förpackningen som återförsäljaren inte
Skickade en ny tyder på lite ojämn kvalité i packningen annars bra
Хорошее качество.
Не стесняют движений. Сели как влитые
sehr gute Verarbeitung
Erstmals fühle ich mich an Knie und Schienbein wirklich gut geschützt.
Top Knieprotektoren
Habe diese Knieprotektoren für einen Endurokurs gekauft und vorher nie getragen. Sie waren aber schon das erste mal extrem bequem und haben das Knie super gestützt!
Great product, the best buy for this money!
Of-road knee protectors, they won´t fit under jeans, only under motocross pants or large pants and the boots must have some adjustability to allow for these protectors. I use Sidi crossfire boots with these and my legs stay completely protecte up to my thigh. Need to wear the socks or base layer underneath them so they hold better in place, at first they feel a bit unconfortable but they break in fast and then you don´t even remember you´re using them. Long straps for alll very adjustable, crashed in them at low speed but they give great protection, i hit the floor with my knee and my leg was pinned under the bike and i didn´t feel anything. Great buy.
this product is good but when I stand up the product was plunking down and then you should drive up the product.
very good
Good stuff
The only problem I could find when on touring was the gap in the two upper joint . At high speed and a low temperature it can be very annoying . Beside this all good quality materials and very comfortable in riding position .
highly recommended
two seasons with supermoto. one good crash and a lot small, but knee protectors as new. Using it under kevlar jeans. I'm skinny (height 177 cm. and weight 60 kg.) and they are perfectly fits. Not so comfortable to walk around, but this is not so important as health. No discomfort after 10-16 hours driving and walking (just to eat/refuel/toilet/short rest).
very good, u can use them also for road use
не удобные
Для меня оказались очень не удобными, возможно носить или сверху штанов или только под очень широкими штанами, для людей с большими суставами коленей не подходят, мне жмут именно в самих коленях, давит с боков, при разогнутой ноге топорщится колено, шарниры царапают бак если сверху одеть, единственное их преимущество, это жесткая защита сбоку, как писал выше наш англоязычный коллега, думаю упавший мотоцикл не причинит вреда колену с боку, исполнение вполне хорошее, но нужно обязательно мерить и учитывать одежду, буду их продавать
Closest to braces as it gets... great protection and great fitment, barely notice you have them on...until you fall, then you r happy they are where they should be.