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Customer ratings for HJC i70 Prika Helmet

HJC i70 Prika Helmet
  • £184.64
    You save 40 %
    • Advanced Polycarbonate Shell: Lightweight, superior fit and comfort using CAD technology. Aerodynamic motorcycle helmet HJC i70 with large eye port for greater visibility.
    • vision Plus (+10 mm) Wide Shield provides enhanced visibility
    • Sun Visor with Wider-Vision: Better peripheral vision, helps to reduce eye strain and excellent sunlight blocking with Scratch-resistant

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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 4.6
3 English 1 Italiano 1 한국의 all
ottimo per rapporto qualità prezzo. sorpreso.
The best value for money helmet out there!
Very good
Very good helmet, sun visor and anti-fog included. HJC offers best value for money.
가성비의 홍진헬멧
마감좋고 가격도 괜찬네요.
Very good
Very good value for money, good quality