Home Motorcycle Motorcycle Protectors Knee Leatt Z-Frame Lines Knee Protectors Ratings

Customer ratings for Leatt Z-Frame Lines Knee Protectors

Leatt Z-Frame Lines Knee Protectors
  • £254.36
    You save 15 %
    • Slim hinges for superior motorcycle feel
    • Aluminium hinge covers for rigidity and endurance
    • Reduction of forces to limit knee injuries: ACL, Meniscus and MCL

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 4.8
4 English all
Have only used it once so far but that was good
This product really does protect my knees!
This knee pad can really protect my knees from being twisted by external forces, especially in many unexpected situations, it is better than other products I have used, I believe it!
Fit is perfect, follow Leatt knee sizing chart.
Once straps are adjusted, no need to ever re-adjust. Clip in the ends and go!! Amazing product, lots of compliments. Look HOT !!
Very good knee protectors