Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Visors Bogotto FF104 Ratings

Customer ratings for Bogotto FF104

Bogotto FF104
  • £18.46
    • pinlock ready
    • anti scratch visor
    • visor with quick change system

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Number of ratings: 7
Average rating: 4.9
2 Deutsch 1 English 2 Nederlands 1 Español 1 日本の all
very nice
It's perfect for me, nice view, sun protected and even through the night I was able to see and get back home safely.
Is heel mooi! 🙂
Passt sitzt wie immer Perfekt
Absolut fairer Preis
zeer goed
vizier zeer helder prima zicht
Passt einwandfrei /einfach zu montieren / Super sich auch bei tief stehender Sonne