Home SALE % Motorcycle Gloves Touring Booster Double Motorcycle Gloves Ratings

Customer ratings for Booster Double Motorcycle Gloves

Booster Double Motorcycle Gloves

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 4.3
2 Español 1 Русский язык all
Excelentes guantes. No son los clasicos repletos de refuerzos. Son muy agradabñed para montar para hacer turismo o conducir por ciudad
Bien, exceptuando la talla, me lo enviaron grande
La talla, era grande
Качество супер
Взял на размер больше, а зря... Идут размер в размер, вид хороший
Great summer gloves
These was my first pair of gloves, I used them from september till now...
they are great summer gloves, easy to wear, and permits almost free hand movements. (you almost feel like have no limitations in your fingers movements). It cames with some basic protection, but for the summer it is ok. However, under 15 degree C they became quite cold...