Home Brands C Caberg Drift Caberg Drift Tour Helmet Ratings

Customer ratings for Caberg Drift Tour Helmet

Caberg Drift Tour Helmet
  • £218.64
    You save 23 %
    • Carbon, Kevlar and fi ber glass
    • Completely removable and washable with hypoallergenic and transpiring fabrics Removable lower wind stop
    • 3 wide air vents easy to regulate also with gloves.

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 3.3
1 English 1 Español 1 polski all
Wygodny, lekki i bezpieczny kask, dokładnie taki, jakiego szukałem!
Value for?
A stunnig helmet, beautiful but....have a carbon one...super light and comfy....but so loud...insulation is so poor...cardo egde is barely hearable....such a shame...took it to be a touring helmet...but now i use it only for a short run....such a shame...
Contento en lineas generales, cómodo y ligero
Ligero, buenos acabados. Insonorización adecuada hasta los 100km/h. A tener en cuenta la pre-instalación que trae para intercomunicador (vale para cualquiera), ya que siempre me había molestado la zona de pabellones auricular.
Bien embalado, pero la funda de microfibra del casco algo sucia, y con lo que parece ser una quemadura de ¿Tabaco?
Pinlock incluido.
Contento en lineas generales, cómodo y ligero.
very comfortable helmet
helmet is comfortable, the quality of the graphics is very good, the drop down sun visor works well, and the vents are very easy to operate with gloves on.
The low points of this helmet are, LOT of wind noise, face shield is an absolute bear to take off and clean, but for the price, it is worth every penny, just clean the face shield while on the helmet!