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Customer ratings for Five WFX Skin GTX Waterproof Motorcycle Gloves

Five WFX Skin GTX Waterproof Motorcycle Gloves
  • £72.81
    You save 15 %
    • Full-grain goatskin and weatherproof nylon fabric construction (top) / Full-grain goatskin for suppleness (palm)
    • GORE-TEX weatherproof inner membrane
    • Bemberg™ interior comfort lining

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Number of ratings: 7
Average rating: 3.7
3 English 2 Español 1 Português 1 한국의 all
Muy flojo.
La talla es muy pequeña. He comprado una XL y la talla es pequeña. De la muñeca me van bien pero los dedos aprietan muchísimo. No he quedado conforme.
Great pair of gloves
Great gloves for riding in cold weather. On longer rides in 5-10°C my fingers can still get cold though, but maybe it's just me.

Soft and comfortable lining, and looks great.

A bit on the smallish side; my summer gloves (Five Kansas gloves) are size M/9, but with these I had to go for size L/10. The 9s were just too restrictive.
겨울에 쓰기좋아요.
안에 인슐레이션 많이 들어가있고.
너클이랑 손바닥에 하드타입으로 보호대있구요.
고어택스라 바람잘 안들어오구요.
한가지 단점은 손목만 조일수있어서 하단은 좀 널널하게 남아요.
9 sobre 10
Cumple las expectativas de frío y son muy cómodos y nada aparatosos...otros con dobles forros son engorrosos de poner y quitar. Estos Five son perfectos en todos los aspectos...por lo menos para mí uso!.Se nota la calidad del producto!.
Não cumpre com o anunciado
A 4°C os dedos arrefecem rapidamente. O ar frio entra pelo tecido entre os dedos.
As good as advertised
The gloves are as good as promised. They'll keep my fingers warm for 30 minutes at 2-3°c when riding to work at 80-100 km/h. Not sure about longer rides. Will easily do the job at 5-10°c.

Decent quality and finish with palm protection as well. Because they're quite thick, they're a bit stiff (at least in the beginning) and you end up gripping the bars a bit harder. Good value for the money at around 100e.
Great gloves at this price. Fully gortex waterproof and nice amount of thinsulate
On the cold mountain mornings highway riding in Japan I had to combine with some inner thermal gloves too (especially cold mornings two pairs of inner gloves). But after doing this the gloves were comparable to Taichi heated gloves at 1/3 the price and less hassle (charging everyday) so overall very happy especially with the FC Moto discount