Home Motorcycle Motorcycle Protectors Knee Furygan D3O Knee Protectors Ratings

Customer ratings for Furygan D3O Knee Protectors

Furygan D3O Knee Protectors
  • 20.97 €
    16.72 €
    You save 20 %
    • D3O materials in their raw state flow freely when moved slowly, but on shock, lock together to absorb and disperse energy, before instantly returning to their flexible state. This unique characteristic provides enhanced protection, while providing a versatile and flexible material that can be manufactured for a host of impact protective applications. We manufacture this raw substance into practical functionality, as both a foam and nonfoam material. The technology allows freedom of movement for the user with no compromise in comfort or protection.
    • As the material’s molecules lock, D3O disperses the force of impact, drastically reducing its effect and minimising the risk of injury or equipment damage.
    • Note: D3O does not “go hard”.

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 4.6
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Item as described.
A replacement kit for my riding jeans.
Son unas protecciones buenas de buen acabado aunque un poco pequeñas.
Отлично встали в Revit Vendome 2 RF
Es garantía esta marca. Satisfecho al 100%.
La protection genou est très légère, on la remarque à peine lors de la marche et pas du tout sur la moto.
Dommage qu'il n'y ai pas de velcro pour pouvoir la régler en hauteur quand on veut les utiliser dans des pantalons qui ne sont pas de marque FURYGAN