Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Accessories Held Pinlock 7117 Anti-Fog Foil Ratings

Customer ratings for Held Pinlock 7117 Anti-Fog Foil

Held Pinlock 7117 Anti-Fog Foil
  • £25.47
    You save 30 %
    • Anti-fog foil suitable for CT-1200, Travel Champ and Turismo by Held
    • Available in two colors: clear and ProtectTint (self-tinting)
    • Color change in sunlight with color ProtectTint (self-tinting)

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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 4.6
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Летом проверим что и как. Встал на место без проблем.
Tut was es soll
habe nach verschiedenen Infos mir das Pinlook bestellt und es hat wunderbar gepasst. Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Teil. Hat perfekt gepasst.
Nn fa appannare la visiera
Funkade perfekt.