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Customer ratings for Helstons Eagle Air Motorcycle Gloves

Helstons Eagle Air Motorcycle Gloves

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Number of ratings: 11
Average rating: 4.9
3 Deutsch 4 English 1 Español 1 日本の 1 polski 1 한국의 all
Good product and quality
Nice gloves, good quality, perfect feeling when riding.
These gloves are made from lhigh quality leather very well put together with quality clips, very comfortable with great knuckle protection.
정말 최고입니다
Well made
Comfortable, well stitched with high grade leather and a vintage finish. Very chic. Fingers are a little longer than required for my hands.
Top Qualität und Passform!
Perfekcyjnie wykonane rękawice. Polecam!
Czekając na sezon, przede mną doznania
Buen producto y diseño
Son unos guantes de verano cn un buen diseño y un acabado perfecto
Bis jetzt Einwandfrei!
Nach einigen Wochen Probezeit kann man sagen, dass sie sehr gut sind. Gut verarbeitet und schöner Used-Look. Außerdem schon dünn trotz stabil wirkenden Leder, dass es im Sommer möglichst wenig heizt.
Excellent gloves
Good ventilation, excellent design - only gripes are lack of touchsceen compatibility on the thumbs (only index - only your grandmother types with her indexes) and the lack of a palm slider, like you'd see on Five Gloves (stunt evo or RS3). The palms are reinforced, but you'd want them to slide in case of an accident, not bite into the ground thanks to the soft leather. 95% of gloves on the market are guilty of this pencil-brain design choice - that aside, excellent pair of gloves at a great price.
Sieht gut aus. Passt gut.