Home Motorcycle Accessories Maintenance / Care IPONE Helmet Kit Ratings

Customer ratings for IPONE Helmet Kit

IPONE Helmet Kit
  • £17.30
    1 l = £39.51
    You save 20 %
    • Set with cleaning spray, cleaning foam, visor spray and microfiber cloth
    • Suitable for cleaning the helmet from inside and outside
    • Sufficient for several applications

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 12
Average rating: 4.7
2 Deutsch 5 English 1 Français 1 Español 1 Italiano 1 Português 1 Русский язык all
Cleans well
Cleans the helmet very well, but I am a little disappointed by the water repellent
Does a great job!
My helmet has never been so clean and fresh!
Very good
It works!
Sehr gut
Sehr gutes Produkt zur inneren und äußeren Reinigung des Helms.
De acordo com o anunciado
Ottimo prodotto! Consigliatissimo
Комплект достойный, после покрытия визора антидождём надо его хорошо протереть чтоб не было жирных разводов
Bin sehr zufrieden
Sehr gutes Produkt zur inneren und äußeren Reinigung des Helms.
Très bon produit
J’ai beaucoup apprécié l’ensemble pour le casque.
Je me demande si je n’ai pas mis suffisamment de mousse pour parfumer l’intérieur et les mousses.
Great value for money, works great on my helmet.
Muy bueno
Perfecto!! Cumple con las especificaciones indicadas