Home Motorcycle Accessories Security / Locks Kovix Kal 14 Brake Disc Lock Ratings

Customer ratings for Kovix Kal 14 Brake Disc Lock

Kovix Kal 14 Brake Disc Lock
  • £87.76
    You save 10 %
    • Locking system: double pin
    • Locking pin 14 mm
    • Material: Stainless steel


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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 4.8
3 English 1 Español all
Solid product
- Sturdy and robust
- Loud
- Hard to attack

- Problems getting it to recognize that I have unlocked the bike and removed the lock (double beep), therefore I'll have to pass it through the disc one additional time to cycle that double beep. Not a huge deal but could be improved.
Great product for bike securing!
I am very satisfied with this brake disk lock and I recommend it.
excelente producto
tengo el producto hace 2 años, es buenísimo, muy robusta la construcción, el diámetro del pasador es seguro, la alarma aún funciona sin problema, le compre el soporte para colocarlo en el manillar, no estorba en nada. se recomienda!