Home Motorcycle Accessories Battery Chargers OptiMate 2 SAE Charger Ratings

Customer ratings for OptiMate 2 SAE Charger

OptiMate 2 SAE Charger
  • £47.34
    You save 10 %
    • for 12V batteries (gel, AGM / MF, Standard) of 3 Ah to 96 Ah rated capacity,
    • Output current 800 mA,
    • fully automatic, battery-friendly Optimate maintenance mode

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 5
3 English 1 Русский язык all
Very good and quality
100% satisfaction
Ya great product. Resurrected a battery. Got my bike on the road.
very good
having just installed a couple weeks ago I can not comment on the long time use of the charger, however, it installed very easy and has been working very well for the time that i have had it. It is reassuring to know that the battery will be charged at all times.
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