Home Motorcycle Clothing Functional Underwear Balaclavas & Collars Oxford Deluxe Merino Neck Tube Ratings

Customer ratings for Oxford Deluxe Merino Neck Tube

Oxford Deluxe Merino Neck Tube
  • 17.99 €
    • Comfortable flat-lock seams
    • 4-way stretch material
    • Made of merino wool

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 4
2 Deutsch 1 English 1 Español all
calidad merino
el material "merino" muy suave
las letras de la marca, se han despegado incluso antes del primer lavado
Nice material but the band digs into the skin too much
As the title says, I just cut off the ends to make it somewhat usable, would be nice if the band was softer/had more stretch to it
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