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Customer ratings for Revit Irving WB Neck Collar

Revit Irving WB Neck Collar

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 4.8
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Good quality and well made .. love this neck coller
Solid. Stops wind. Thicker than expected.
This is a solid windstopper. It is much thicker than I expected, and does not let any wind through. I wanted it because the balaclava leaves marks on my forehead. I use it for commuting with my flip-up helmet. Because of the cutouts at the base of the neck toward the shoulders, it requires some precise adjustment in order to make a nice seal with the jacket - if you pull it too high, it will leave exposed area, but if you take your time, it can be adjusted for just the right comfort and protection. A solid product that does what it promises.
Bon produit
Высочайшее качество
Люблю Rev'it - за качество и непревзойденный дизайн! Очень долго выбирал. По мне, это самый лучший мотобренд. Заказывая эту защиту для шеи, нисколько не сомневался, что качество будет на высоте. И спасибо ребятам из fc-moto.de - как всегда помогли подобрать нужный размер!
Qualität stimmt für den Preis