Home Brands S Schuberth Schuberth R2 Schuberth Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery Ratings

Customer ratings for Schuberth Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery

Schuberth Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery
  • £18.22
  • Schuberrth Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery


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Number of ratings: 11
Average rating: 5
2 Deutsch 7 English 1 Español 1 Português all
5 estrelas
Der Akku ist so gut, dass es eigentlich keinen Ersatzakku braucht
Die Kapazität des Akkus ist so gut, dass man sich den Kauf eines 2. Akku als Ersatz sparen kann. Quadratisch, praktisch, gut. Für Fahrlehrer, Tourguides und Drive Coaches wird sich der 2. Akku lohnen.
Very handy
Great for when you're unable to charge your battery, just swap them over
excellent just as advertised
Fast international shipping remarkably they were less expensive on Shuberth accessories than in dealers here in the States.

The site is in english very good company
As of today,good
Bought for a sub batt.
A very usefull product to whom needs it...
I purchased a SC1A, so I offered this “excess” product too. When a battery of an electronic device is discharged, you don’t want to wait for the charge of it. Especially on long and awesome trips. That’s why you would like to buy another one...
El producto es bueno, tuve problemas con el envio ya que lo registraron como Repuesto para vehiculo y genera impuestos.
Es un elemento de comunicación o accesorio de comunicación o prenda de protección (Casco)
Por favor tener en cuenta para próximos despachos a Colombia y sur america.
Top !
Nice to have backup battery for your long trip
The helmet battery for the C4 pro model I can use it for at least two days, but Nice to have backup battery for your long trip ,
A very usefull product to whom needs it...
I purchased a SC1A, so I offered this excess product too. When a battery of an electronic device is discharged, you don’t want to wait for the charge of it. That’s why you would like to buy another öne...