Home Brands S Schuberth Schuberth R2 Schuberth SC1 Dual Battery Charger Ratings

Customer ratings for Schuberth SC1 Dual Battery Charger

Schuberth SC1 Dual Battery Charger
  • £34.95
    • Schuberth SC1 Dual Battery Charger
    • compatible with C4 / C2
    • delivery contents of charger, charging cable and spare battery

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 13
Average rating: 4.8
2 Deutsch 4 English 2 Français 1 Italiano 2 Português 1 Русский язык 1 日本の all
Great value for the price
Great for charging the batteries while riding with the onboard power
5 estrelas
Era verdadeiramente o que esperava
Good value
It makes charging the batteries for our two helmets really easy as you only use one plug. The extra battery that it comes with is very handy when you forget to charge.
Buona qualità
Complemento per l'interfono SC1 fornisce una batteria di riserva e il caricabatterie doppio. Nella confezione non è compreso l'alimentatore 220 Volt che, considerato il prezzo di vendita, ci poteva anche stare.....
В комплекте была батарея для шлема
5 stars.
Easy way to to keep the battery charged without having to hall the helmet around. Comes with a backup battery. I have a USB port in the bike’s truck where I plug in the charger with the extra battery.
Excellent product
A great product delivered on time
Charge très rapidement la batterie, cela permet de toujours en avoir une chargée lors d'un voyage.
Chargeur + batterie supplémentaire
Si comme moi vous craignez pour la durée de vie de la prise micro USB ce produit est l'idéal, avec en plus une batterie supplémentaire !
Parfois l'affichage des leds est bizarre mais cela redevient normal en changeant de slot de charge.
Zu empfehlen
Einfach zuladen und immer ein ersatzakku