Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Communication Sena SF4 Bluetooth Communication System Single Pack Ratings

Customer ratings for Sena SF4 Bluetooth Communication System Single Pack

Sena SF4 Bluetooth Communication System Single Pack
  • £162.52
    You save 20 %
    • Talk time: 13 hours
    • Bluetooth 4.1
    • Reach: up to 1.2 km in open terrain

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 4.8
1 Deutsch 2 English 1 日本の all
Super Produkt, bereits in 2 Helmen im Einsatz
Wir sind in unserer Familie mit 4 Personen mit Sena Produkten unterwegs. 2 Spezielle Intercom für Shoei und Schubert Helme und 2 SF4 Intercom für Nolan Klapphelme. Das ist grandios wenn wir uns untereinander unterhalten können. Nicht ganz billig aber sehr wertvoll.
Very good
Works well with pillion and in a group. However i understand a mesh system is better. In a group I link with a fellow bluetooth rider who can then join me with riders on the mesh system.
I understand Sena only use blue tooth. I have no idea what a mesh system is.
The price is not cheap, but it is a good product.
With gt-air only specifications, there is little wind resistance and noise.