Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Visors Shark S-Drak 2 Visor Ratings

Customer ratings for Shark S-Drak 2 Visor

Shark S-Drak 2 Visor

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 3
2 Deutsch 2 English all
Genau wie ich es wollte, passt und der brste Preis.
Noch keine, aber es passt, besten Dank.
Ist nicht so dunkel wie auf dem Foto
Ist okay, aber hätte das visier gerne dunkler gehabt.
Good but expensive
Good visor, no distortion but a bit expensive for a bit of clear plastic. Easy to fit and remove from helmet.
Pictures are misleading. Not a very tinted visor!
Do not buy this if you looking for a tinted visor. The picture is not accurate at all.

This visor is the same poorly tinted version that came with the helmet. The tinting is barely visible.